Webinars provide detailed ideas and support to help your business grow through using online psychology

Webinars are online presentations and sessions which focus on practical and highly usable techniques. Graham conducts webinars for specific businesses, associations, and organisations. He also presents at conferences worldwide using webinar techniques. That means he can be "at" your conference on the other side of the world, without the need for you to spend additional money on travel and accommodation.

Graham's webinars cover a wide range of online psychology topics and are "bespoke" - written for each specific client's particular requirements.

For example, clients have asked Graham to present webinars to help them:

  • Improve web design using psychology
  • Generate more leads from social media with psychological techniques
  • Understand customer behaviour and how it differs online to offline

I’ve seen Graham present many times over the past 10 years and I am always amazed at how much I learn from each of his sessions. High content, valuable advice, practical tips, all delivered in a warm and entertaining fashion – I couldn’t want for more. And, neither could you! I thoroughly recommend him.

Dr Deborah Swallow

Graham is a breath of fresh air in the world of the net and cyber-psychology. An engaging speaker that uses profound knowledge, astute insight, humour and integrity to deliver his message on social media …. and more.

David Hyner

Managing Director, Stretch Development